Welcome to the Bisbing Lab at the University of Nevada, Reno
Our research aims to both quantify and find solutions to improve the odds of forest persistence potential. We develop observational and experimental studies that combine foundational ecological theory with evolving issues in forest management and conservation. Researchers in the lab utilize permanent plot networks, field sampling, and field/greenhouse experiments to investigate the influence of local adaptation, climate, and disturbance on forest resilience and long-term persistence potential. We are particularly interested in identifying species-specific traits that may confer resilience and in quantifying adaptive capacity at both the species and population levels. Baby trees are our jam - we plant them widely, assist them in migration, and track their success under natural and experimental conditions. Baby tree love!
We work across a gradient of landscape scales - from a local study of prolonged drought effects on coastal conifer demography to a Sierra Nevada-wide silvicultural experiment testing the resilience, resistance, and adaptive capacity of the mixed-conifer forest. Most projects include a permanent plot network to facilitate long-term monitoring of forest ecosystem change over time. Our science is very applied, and we work closely with local land managers and researchers to promote forest persistence potential.
Learn about the

Sarah Bisbing
Office: FA 218A | 775-784-4034 | [email protected]
University of Nevada, Reno | 1664 N. Virginia Street, Reno 89557
Office: FA 218A | 775-784-4034 | [email protected]
University of Nevada, Reno | 1664 N. Virginia Street, Reno 89557